LA Unscripted | February 28th, 2022

I would blow wind on her and one ear popped open and the other ear popped open and I timed it exactly to a Beyonce song . And that was the one we usually say to have your dog groomed once a month , every single dog should get groomed . Um , whether it's a short haired dog or a long haired dog .

LA Unscripted | February 28th, 2022

We have beds , we have water bowls , there's no cages . We limit the amount of dogs we groom during the day . And I've trained my staff with my energy technique that I've created over the years where we're able to communicate with dogs through gentle touch .

LA Unscripted | February 28th, 2022

That is not cozy . So my shop is vastly different than any other grooming shop in the world . So , what I wanted to do is take the coziness and the gentle environment and create a commercially zoned space that is curated for dogs .

LA Unscripted | February 28th, 2022

What if I started my own little thing ? One thing I would get riled up about is people who neglect their dog's teeth or neglect their dog's nails or put really tight boots on them . That is not cozy .

LA Unscripted | February 28th, 2022

So you just shake well to make sure it's like evenly distributed amongst the bottle itself and you just spray it and then what you do is just massage it in like you pet your dog , it does smell good . We launched Probiotic Grooming in 2016 and we have seen dogs that were bald on steroids for 11 months , get their hair back in 30 days on our product . We've seen yeast infections and the underarms of like French bulldogs or bully breeds go away in six days .