So those are really , really the challenges . The challenges was really the work that's really the most challenging part . Everything else is just fruits of that label that you put in .
So just keep working and keep your head down and keep grinding . Some challenges I faced were really like , they really just competition wise , just having to go out every day and prove myself among the best in the city and the best in the state . So those are really , really the challenges .
Some challenges I faced were really like , they really just competition wise , just having to go out every day and prove myself among the best in the city and the best in the state . So those are really , really the challenges . The challenges was really the work that's really the most challenging part .
And also I'll just tell myself to just stick with it because it was times where you feel like giving up or you feel like it's not gonna work or you're never gonna get where you wanna get to . But when it gets the hardest is when you're closest to what you want to achieve .
I play basketball at Eli University . Um Repetition and consistency were the main two things that I had to focus on and also just , just stand out of your own head and just being confident in your abilities and trusting the work that you put in . Those are the main things that help me .