And also here we have an academic advisor where she helps out a lot like to making sure we are on time , make sure we're keep getting our work done and everything of that nature . So that really helps a lot work every day at what you want to accomplish because there's always somebody else that wants your spy or wants to be where you wanna be at . So just keep grinding and it never stops .
So just keep working and keep your head down and keep grinding . Some challenges I faced were really like , they really just competition wise , just having to go out every day and prove myself among the best in the city and the best in the state . So those are really , really the challenges .
And also the physicality level , it was a , it was a , it wasn't a rough transition at first , but it was completely different from high school . So just being able to use my body and use my size to create advantages on the office . Even to make sure you do most of your work in class , make sure you're paying attention because you miss one class , you can slip up and you'll be spiraling down in the wrong path .
The word that you put in is gonna speak for itself is you can't cheat the grind it because she knows . So it's just you have to work hard at everything you do and don't take a day off because the moment you take a day off , somebody else is gonna get that much better than you . So just keep working and keep your head down and keep grinding .
I play basketball at Eli University . Um Repetition and consistency were the main two things that I had to focus on and also just , just stand out of your own head and just being confident in your abilities and trusting the work that you put in . Those are the main things that help me .