And also here we have an academic advisor where she helps out a lot like to making sure we are on time , make sure we're keep getting our work done and everything of that nature . So that really helps a lot work every day at what you want to accomplish because there's always somebody else that wants your spy or wants to be where you wanna be at . So just keep grinding and it never stops .


They had a nice program , a beautiful campus and all the bosses checked out family environment not too far away from home . So that was a great spot for me and it ended up working out really well . It should be open to anything .


Um I wish I knew that I would grow to be 67 because honestly , I did not know this will happen . And also I'll just tell myself to just stick with it because it was times where you feel like giving up or you feel like it's not gonna work or you're never gonna get where you wanna get to . But when it gets the hardest is when you're closest to what you want to achieve .


So in the gym really just consistency and just repetition and having muscle memory . So just being able to do the same thing over and over again . And in the weight room really just building up core strength , building a leg strength , being able to run and see the defensive stands for long periods of time .


And also the physicality level , it was a , it was a , it wasn't a rough transition at first , but it was completely different from high school . So just being able to use my body and use my size to create advantages on the office . Even to make sure you do most of your work in class , make sure you're paying attention because you miss one class , you can slip up and you'll be spiraling down in the wrong path .