What is GLP-1 & How Does It Reduce Appetite & Promote Weight Loss? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And yet I actively avoid the smoked varieties of Yoruba mate because of the potential carcinogenic effects of the smoked varieties . Glucagon like peptide one as I mentioned earlier can suppress appetite . But what this paper shows is it does that by at least two mechanisms through parallel pathways .

What is GLP-1 & How Does It Reduce Appetite & Promote Weight Loss? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And just know that it's operating through two mechanisms on the body , through mild gut distention to make you feel full and on the brain to increase satiety or make you feel less hungry . And then for everybody , not just those that are interested in appetite suppression . I think it's important to understand that these parallel pathways are fundamental to how we are organized .

What is GLP-1 & How Does It Reduce Appetite & Promote Weight Loss? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So for those of you that are curious papers published in the journal Nature Science and Cell are considered the sort of Super Bowl Stanley Cup and NBA Championships of publishing . And this paper entitled an inter organ neural circuit for appetite suppression illustrates a very important principle that I think everyone should know about . And that's the principle of so called parallel pathways , parallel pathways as the name suggests are pathways that could be neural pathways or hormonal pathways or otherwise that operate independently of one another to accomplish a common goal .

What is GLP-1 & How Does It Reduce Appetite & Promote Weight Loss? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And by way of a pathway that goes from the gut up to the hypothalamus . This little cluster of neurons about the size of a marble that sits above the roof of your mouth is also suppressing appetite through brain mechanisms . So this is really beautiful , right ?

What is GLP-1 & How Does It Reduce Appetite & Promote Weight Loss? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

What is glucagon like peptide ? One , it is a peptide which is a small little protein that can dramatically suppress appetite . So that's why these drugs are being explored and are showing quite impressive results for things like treatment of type two diabetes and other forms of diabetes as well as obesity .