LA Unscripted | April 5th, 2023

We basically created blending as the main concept for our winery . So not only do we produce blends , but we invite customers to come in to our blending classes to learn a little bit about wine , figure out what they like about wine and then blend their own wine to go . And then we actually created a like a , a reference booklet to actually guide people through uh exactly what you would have experienced in class , but on your own .

LA Unscripted | April 5th, 2023

We went on a trip to Argentina where we actually did a blending experience there and we kind of came back and said , how does this not exist in L A ? We basically created blending as the main concept for our winery . So not only do we produce blends , but we invite customers to come in to our blending classes to learn a little bit about wine , figure out what they like about wine and then blend their own wine to go .

LA Unscripted | April 5th, 2023

No . When you come into the class , you kind of learn about each of the individual wines and then start blending to your own flavor profile , you can kind of figure out that even if you're not constantly a red wine drinker , you'll find something that you like . The first thing to do is to make sure that the three beakers that came in the kit have wine in them .

LA Unscripted | April 5th, 2023

They like evened each other out and kind of complemented each other . Now , when we get really serious about wine blending , sometimes we really only wanna add small fractions of a percent of a wine . OK .

LA Unscripted | April 5th, 2023

So we have the booklet here . And what I noticed is that it says red wine blending . So Dana , is this all red wine ?