GDL May 10th, 2023

Whoever's in the stream . This isn't the only platform we're on . We have about 500 people .

GDL May 10th, 2023

We're on , we're on itunes , we're on Twitch , we're on , we're , we're everywhere , we're everywhere . So , on this platform . Yes , maybe two or three .

GDL May 10th, 2023

But then she said recently she's just like marriage just work like so I like how they're trying to balance it out . Like I feel like this is my big thing about Instagram and social media . Like I don't need to put whoever I dated or date in , like , in any of it because I don't want anyone's opinions .

GDL May 10th, 2023

How incredibly powerful is this tiny , little , tiny , little ba like tiny little box that is amazing . So these are the cool things that we can do . Thanks to our Jackie .

GDL May 10th, 2023

We make a lot of jokes about marriage and about relationships and about men in general and about being female . Really it across the board here . Um I think this is a special for everybody .