That doesn't mean that , like , you know what's interesting is like creative writers . Like , they don't actually , no , they do , they do have to have grammar . I remember when I , yes , I , I don't care what , no , we're not artists .
Very focused . But you , you said this before your jean was very focused on like your vernacular and your vocabulary and your grammar . She's a little up about your grammar and I , I'm a little upset about your grammar and , uh , because I , I listen and I remember you said that , uh , there was a couple of grammar mistakes you had and I do know that Jeanie .
Count . My mom really opened up the vocabulary . She really did her and her mother recipes .
But you , you said this before your jean was very focused on like your vernacular and your vocabulary and your grammar . She's a little up about your grammar and I , I'm a little upset about your grammar and , uh , because I , I listen and I remember you said that , uh , there was a couple of grammar mistakes you had and I do know that Jeanie . So that you're , you and your thing is that a problem for you ?
You're very opposite . You say the word . Oh gosh , please don .