Building Strength vs Building Muscle Size (Hypertrophy) | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

In addition , whether you look at Olympic weightlifting or powerlifting or world's strongest man for that matter , there are weight classes and the reason is as you go up in weight classes , you will always see the world records go higher and higher and higher , right ? So you can clearly get stronger without adding any muscle . However , there's a point right where you simply have to add more mass to get a higher number .

Building Strength vs Building Muscle Size (Hypertrophy) | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

However , if you want to get stronger and you don't wanna add muscle for any reason , personal preference on aesthetics , whether you're in a weight class and you simply can't afford it . It is quite easy to get stronger and not add much muscle mass either . And so differentiating these two things is one of them is simply a measure of size and the other one is a measure of force .

Building Strength vs Building Muscle Size (Hypertrophy) | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

Because people think man , either these are the same thing or if I wanna get stronger , I have to get bigger , which is not the case at all . Another misnomer here is I can't get stronger unless I add muscle . That's not true either .

Building Strength vs Building Muscle Size (Hypertrophy) | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

If you add muscle , you're probably going to bring some strength along for the ride . However , if you want to get stronger and you don't wanna add muscle for any reason , personal preference on aesthetics , whether you're in a weight class and you simply can't afford it . It is quite easy to get stronger and not add much muscle mass either .

Building Strength vs Building Muscle Size (Hypertrophy) | Dr. Andy Galpin & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And when we talk about hypertrophy , now we're specifically referring to just an increase in size , there's no actual mention of function . So a muscle can grow larger without actually technically being stronger uh for a number of reasons . Um However , there is a strong relationship between strength and hypertrophy .