The True You Show Interview with Robert Mack

I do indeed for sure . So happy to have you with us , Robert , let me quickly introduce you , Robert Rob . You are an Ivy League educated , positive psychology expert and celebrity happiness , uh coach and also a celebrity love coach , which is even better for my audience I think and a published author and your work has been endorsed by Oprah Vanessa Williams and many others .

The True You Show Interview with Robert Mack

But most of them meant I was unemployed . And during that time I was reading every book I could , I was having conversations with people about happiness only from a place of pure authenticity because I want to be happy and I like seeing other people happy in the process . I , people encouraged me probably should just set up a little practice charge , people talk to them about happiness .

The True You Show Interview with Robert Mack

Ok ? That happiness does lead to success . And that happiness is the greatest success .

The True You Show Interview with Robert Mack

That happiness does lead to success . And that happiness is the greatest success . And it's the reason we want success , we only want to achieve accomplish or acquire anything in the world because we think we'll feel better for having it , that better feeling that we expect to get through success .

The True You Show Interview with Robert Mack

Yeah , like negative energy . And so you , you managed right to become uh a very successful celebrity happiness , a love coach . How did you actually become so successful ?