Take advantage of every opportunity . I think that in high school , like , I didn't know much about recruiting , like when I started doing it . So , like I'd say maximizing every , every , every opportunity may have presented myself more , but I'm not really upset that it didn't because I'm here now , but just maximize every opportunity .


So just , um , nobody ever really got , has like , gotten to the level where I'm at , like from my high school except a few people . So like just learning how that the recruiting process goes on my own was pretty tough , but I , I picked it up eventually and got some offers and then eventually chose Michigan . I think my character really set me aside from a lot of recruits and other people just like being a genuine , nice person the way I was raised , just like being myself , the coaches I think really stood out to them .


The best advice I'd probably ever gotten was my basketball coach , freshman year , a life coach of mine just to never give up . Just because like , you've been through a lot of hard times with the recruiting process and like going through high school , not getting recruited as highly as I wanted to , um , just to never give up and trust God and everything will work out in the end , just trust the process . I mean , I played basketball because it's really good for offensive linemen for their feet and stuff because I mean , I was a bigger guy so obviously I can't move as well as the other fast guys .


My first like , game day visit was three year or I don't even know how many years ago it was against Northwestern . It's just the first time I've ever been here and like I knew right away that I wanted to come here and , like , I was gonna recruit by a lot of schools but , like , I went on other visits and it just wasn't the same . Like I'd be coming back here and be like , I need to be here .


So like just learning how that the recruiting process goes on my own was pretty tough , but I , I picked it up eventually and got some offers and then eventually chose Michigan . I think my character really set me aside from a lot of recruits and other people just like being a genuine , nice person the way I was raised , just like being myself , the coaches I think really stood out to them . Don't listen like the outside people just like you and your parents just , you'll know when the right decision is when , when the time comes , just like , trust the process , trust God because it'll all work out when I came here .