I think it's good to tweak little parts of your game . But um just staying true to who you are on the field and off the field . Um Being humble , I think is another um thing that was taught to me by early on by my coaches .
I think when you do play a sport in college , it does get more serious . Um But if you don't already have that foundation of , wow , like I'm not just the person I am because of soccer , I think going into the college with that . Um just knowing that in your heart , um I think it's really , really , really important .
Um And I'm definitely interested into getting more involved um with just other deals . I wanna get my name out there . Um I think starting with what I've learned is starting with smaller deals and just kind of output your name , um your brands and just kind of getting those done um is really , really important .
It's , it's , it's a long hard process that you're questioning a lot about yourself . You're questioning a lot about your worth . Um And for me , it was especially tough because I was , uh it was COVID when I was getting recruited .
So even going home for a weekend was rejuvenating to me sometimes say if I was sick or just going through finals and had a stressful time , like it was so easy for me . Um , So , I think that's another thing is just paying attention , attention to what kind of person you are . And again , staying true to that .