Um But it's inspiring to see what they do with their brands and kind of the face that they put out for themselves and that's kind of something that I want to do and I know that a lot , a lot of other people wanna do . So that's kind of my piece on Nil right now .
So again , I am very new to nil , as you said . Um But I think something that's important for me is what I do with nil . I don't want it to just be for the money or just for not , there's no stupid deal .
A lot of people were like , I didn't know you struggled with this and it , it makes me feel so much more comfortable . So even knowing and hearing things like that um like are just so much more to me than the money that nil brings . But I do like the money um for Nal it , it's , it's honestly really cool , it's um becoming really big right now .
I can't emphasize that enough . So again , I am very new to nil , as you said . Um But I think something that's important for me is what I do with nil .
Um And I'm definitely interested into getting more involved um with just other deals . I wanna get my name out there . Um I think starting with what I've learned is starting with smaller deals and just kind of output your name , um your brands and just kind of getting those done um is really , really important .