So success in all your relationships and what they found was happy people get married earlier , they stay married longer and they're happy in their relationships , whether they're married or not also happy , people are rated as more attractive than unhappy people . So if you remember those two things , it helps you to remember and realize that if you could just find a way to get happy , which is often really about learning to love yourself in spite of not having a partner , a boyfriend or girlfriend . Whoever , if you can do that very thing , you increase your attractiveness to whoever it is that you want to attract and you also increase the likelihood of finding success in your relationships .
And he basically discovered in so many words that happiness leads to success . So happiness isn't only the greatest success , meaning that you know , the point and purpose of human life and the whole meaning and end of human existence , anything you wanna achieve , acquire or accomplish you want because you think you'll feel better in having it , right ? So that's why it's the greatest success , but also leads to success in so many phenomenal and dramatic ways .
It's like they didn't know it , but unwittingly they did the very thing I most needed to be led back to myself to the source of happiness itself . Now , as the author of happiness from the inside out . Are you happy every day ?
You know , if beauty means a whole lot to you and you have to be more beautiful than other people , then you're always gonna be in a bit of a conundrum . But if happiness is your thing and you recognize that empirically , happiness leads to success and all those other areas that you want , you know , it leads to more money , it leads to a longer life , it leads to a healthier life , it leads to better relationships , then you can make happiness your top goal , then you can kind of drop or like go off the comparison in the competition . I think what's been so enlightening for me , especially the last 10 years living in L A is having amazing opportunities to meet people that others look up to and have all those success boxes checked and , and meet them on a personal level and , and feel the pain that they're going through internally and the struggle and the unhappiness that they have .
And so we began studying happy people and the happiest people on the planet . And he basically discovered in so many words that happiness leads to success . So happiness isn't only the greatest success , meaning that you know , the point and purpose of human life and the whole meaning and end of human existence , anything you wanna achieve , acquire or accomplish you want because you think you'll feel better in having it , right ?