Rob Mack | The Art of Positive Psychology & the Science of Well-Being - Art of Charm Ep.#745

And first I just want to talk about the journey you've had in your pursuit of happiness before where you arrived today . Obviously , there's been some ups and downs and as a happiness expert , we're so excited to hear your journey into your own personal happiness . Yeah , I appreciate you guys having me .

Rob Mack | The Art of Positive Psychology & the Science of Well-Being - Art of Charm Ep.#745

So that's why it's the greatest success , but also leads to success in so many phenomenal and dramatic ways . And in your mind , this striving towards happiness , obviously , there's going to be ups and downs along the way . What are you telling yourself through those downs now , obviously having come out of the ultimate down .

Rob Mack | The Art of Positive Psychology & the Science of Well-Being - Art of Charm Ep.#745

You have an amazing story that we're going to dig a little bit into . And first I just want to talk about the journey you've had in your pursuit of happiness before where you arrived today . Obviously , there's been some ups and downs and as a happiness expert , we're so excited to hear your journey into your own personal happiness .

Rob Mack | The Art of Positive Psychology & the Science of Well-Being - Art of Charm Ep.#745

It's the study in science of happiness and success . So essentially where happiness and success intersects , right ? So it was founded by a guy named Martin Seligman and he mostly studied learned helplessness and depression .

Rob Mack | The Art of Positive Psychology & the Science of Well-Being - Art of Charm Ep.#745

You know , if beauty means a whole lot to you and you have to be more beautiful than other people , then you're always gonna be in a bit of a conundrum . But if happiness is your thing and you recognize that empirically , happiness leads to success and all those other areas that you want , you know , it leads to more money , it leads to a longer life , it leads to a healthier life , it leads to better relationships , then you can make happiness your top goal , then you can kind of drop or like go off the comparison in the competition . I think what's been so enlightening for me , especially the last 10 years living in L A is having amazing opportunities to meet people that others look up to and have all those success boxes checked and , and meet them on a personal level and , and feel the pain that they're going through internally and the struggle and the unhappiness that they have .