Rob Mack | The Art of Positive Psychology & the Science of Well-Being - Art of Charm Ep.#745

And despite achieving things like academically , athletically and even professionally , I mean , work for a management consulting firm for a while . I was deeply depressed to the point of contemplating and then actively like pursuing suicide . Like I wanted to kill myself .

Rob Mack | The Art of Positive Psychology & the Science of Well-Being - Art of Charm Ep.#745

Um And that in of itself compromises your happiness , um especially for men almost more than anything else . Now , we started today's conversation around this voice in your head being on 11 and just leading you down a very dark path to obviously attempting suicide . And today you sit here fully present , fully engaged , being an active listener seemingly have quieted that , that voice in your head , or at least got it under control .

Rob Mack | The Art of Positive Psychology & the Science of Well-Being - Art of Charm Ep.#745

I , I am very certain and clear about that because I look at my own life and if any of us look at our own lives , you say my goodness , the worst thing that happened to me turned out to be the best thing . Everybody was discouraging me from contemplating , not saying that anybody should be killing themselves by God . No , but it's just a good reminder that at the end of the day , um we don't know what's best for anyone , right ?

Rob Mack | The Art of Positive Psychology & the Science of Well-Being - Art of Charm Ep.#745

Like right now I'm sitting here saying the best thing that ever happened in my life was the day I thought about and started to pursue suicide , like , literally feel that way . Like there , there's never been anything that's ever happened that's been better than my contemplation of suicide . And now the way I see death is completely different than then , then it was the worst thing .

Rob Mack | The Art of Positive Psychology & the Science of Well-Being - Art of Charm Ep.#745

I was deeply depressed to the point of contemplating and then actively like pursuing suicide . Like I wanted to kill myself . And um I still have the suicide test marks on my wrist .