Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

They don't hardly at all . So when they see an adult with ADHD or depression or addiction or , or , or , or bipolar conditions or , or , uh , or for that matter , autoimmune illness or anything else , they don't think of trauma . They just think of this disease and they think that the diagnosis explains everything , but the diagnosis don't explain anything because think about it , let's say go or , or Joe goes to a doctor and uh they , they're diagnosed with a DH D .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

I was just watching this very disturbing commercial um , yesterday with Children and it was talking about a DH D and it showed a kid that was not paying attention in class and it showed these kids like playing around and doing things they weren't supposed to be doing . And then they introduced this medication and then you have the child raising their hand and then you have everyone clapping and you have the child with a big smile on their face and you've medicated your child to be a successful and integrated person in society . I shall I sp off about a DH DF please .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

So I did see a psychiatrist , I was formally diagnosed and they gave me Dexedrine and I took that for a while . That's an amphetamine . It's amphetamine , it's another stimulant .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

That's an amphetamine . It's amphetamine , it's another stimulant . Um And it did help me , I became a much more efficient workaholic and I could do even more .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

Well , WW why is , what are the harms of a DH D ? Well , tuning out poor impulse regulation , maybe hyperactivity . Why does Gabor have po impulse control , uh hyperactivity and uh tuning out because he's got a DH D .