Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

But you go to most doctors , you got this disease . Here's the pill and by the way , I took those medications and they helped me for a while , you know . So , I'm not anti when you were in your fifties .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

I was just watching this very disturbing commercial um , yesterday with Children and it was talking about a DH D and it showed a kid that was not paying attention in class and it showed these kids like playing around and doing things they weren't supposed to be doing . And then they introduced this medication and then you have the child raising their hand and then you have everyone clapping and you have the child with a big smile on their face and you've medicated your child to be a successful and integrated person in society . I shall I sp off about a DH DF please .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

But because also I know that the brain can change if you treat it right . So this is the reliance on medications that we have is , is a real poverty of the spirit , a real poverty of imagination , a poverty of medical education . The average doctor never learns this stuff .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

Can you some , can you give me some Ritalin ? So she writes me a prescription , then I took it in a higher than recommended initial dose . And uh because , I mean , if a little bit is good , then more must be even better .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

Well , because I got this glassy eyed expression and within a couple of days , the dep the Ritalin made me very depressed . That's one of its potential side effects . So I did see a psychiatrist , I was formally diagnosed and they gave me Dexedrine and I took that for a while .