Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

When I help this child deal with the whole family . Look at the parental relationship , look at how , what stress is there in your life . Look at how you react to the child .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

Look at , do you understand the child's behavior or , or , or the emotions that the child is having or you're just trying to control the child's behaviors ? Look at all that and very often parents will tell me after they've read that book on A DH D is they've totally changed their relationship to their child . The child changes .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

So the the most salient feature of the environment that shapes the circuit of the human brain is actually the relationship with the parents . And if the parents are present and emotionally attuned and available child brains develop properly . But the parents are stressed , the child absorbs the stress .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

He says in his book , The Developing Mind that the child uses the mature circuits of the adult brain to regulate his own immature , unregulated circuits . So when the adults show up in a calm loving way that the child downloads that into his own nervous system , and then he , he grows up , he , he doesn't , he's not gonna be an infant forever . At some point , he's gonna be a mature adult who knows how to take care of themselves .

Physician Gabor Mate Gives His Analysis on ADHD and Anxiety

So this whole idea and , and , and by the way , if a family comes to me with the A DH D child , I'll say to them what you've got here is a very sensitive child that sensitive child is picking up on all the vibes energies and stresses in your family . When I help this child deal with the whole family . Look at the parental relationship , look at how , what stress is there in your life .