Alcohol, Hangovers & How to Cure a Hangover Based on Science | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Doctor Walker told me and it certainly is supported by lots and lots of quality peer reviewed studies in animals and in humans that when alcohol is present in the brain and bloodstream that the architecture of sleep is disrupted , slow wave sleep , deep sleep and rapid eye movement sleep , all of which are essential for getting a restorative night sleep are all disrupted . So for those of you that are drinking a glass or two of wine or having a uh hard liquor drink or a beer , in order to fall asleep , the sleep you're getting is simply not high quality sleep or certainly not as high quality as the sleep you'd be getting if you did not have alcohol in your system . Of course , when we're talking about hangover , we're talking generally about the consumption of more than just one or two drinks .

Alcohol, Hangovers & How to Cure a Hangover Based on Science | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But this was discussed in the lab podcast episode where I had Doctor Matthew Walker from UC Berkeley on and of course , Doctor Walker is a world expert in sleep runs one of the pre eminent laboratories studying sleep and its effects , wrote the incredible book , Why We Sleep and so on . Doctor Walker told me and it certainly is supported by lots and lots of quality peer reviewed studies in animals and in humans that when alcohol is present in the brain and bloodstream that the architecture of sleep is disrupted , slow wave sleep , deep sleep and rapid eye movement sleep , all of which are essential for getting a restorative night sleep are all disrupted . So for those of you that are drinking a glass or two of wine or having a uh hard liquor drink or a beer , in order to fall asleep , the sleep you're getting is simply not high quality sleep or certainly not as high quality as the sleep you'd be getting if you did not have alcohol in your system .

Alcohol, Hangovers & How to Cure a Hangover Based on Science | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Yes . Even just one glass of wine or a beer is not the same sleep that you get when you don't have alcohol circulating in your system and not trying to be a downer here . But this was discussed in the lab podcast episode where I had Doctor Matthew Walker from UC Berkeley on and of course , Doctor Walker is a world expert in sleep runs one of the pre eminent laboratories studying sleep and its effects , wrote the incredible book , Why We Sleep and so on .

Alcohol, Hangovers & How to Cure a Hangover Based on Science | Dr. Andrew Huberman

That's a whole other business . But when one ingests too much alcohol for them , one of the reasons they feel terrible the next day is because their sleep isn't really good sleep . In fact , it's not even sleep .

Alcohol, Hangovers & How to Cure a Hangover Based on Science | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Ok . So there's the sleep induced effects . Then there are the disrupted gut microbiome effects , some of which we talked about earlier .