How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

A lot of those actual membranes , the structural constituents of neurons and other cells are actually made up of or include certain fatty acid , long chain fatty acids . And the omega three fatty acids are important for the actual construction of those tissues as well as having anti inflammatory effects through things like limiting prostaglandins and other things that can cause inflammation . Ok .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So the reason they explored omega threes is worth mentioning . Omega three fatty acids are known to have an anti inflammatory effect . That anti inflammatory effect is mediated through a couple of different pathways .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Omega six fatty acids come in a bunch of different foods and they of course , can be supplemented as well . Omega three fatty acids come in a bunch of different foods and can be supplemented as well . Common forms of omega three fatty acids or I should say common sources of omega .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Although supplementation with this particular compound can accomplish the same thing as well . What I'm referring to here are omega three fatty acids . Many of you are probably familiar with Omega three fatty acids .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

What I'm referring to here are omega three fatty acids . Many of you are probably familiar with Omega three fatty acids . These are fatty acids that come in the form of so called EPA and DH A and Omega .