How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But again , can be accomplished through foods as well . Can also be beneficial for other things such as mood . And indeed , there's a whole literature related to effects of ingesting 1 to 3 g , again , 3 g per day of epa .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

If Omega sixes were just reduced on their own , there wasn't as great an effect in terms of reducing pain and inflammation as there was when Omega three fatty acids were deliberately increased and omega six fatty acids were reduced again in all of these studies because these are the ones in which they uh controlled things . Well , as we , as we say , they are holding constant the caloric intake . So it's not just that you're removing fat , eating less fat , there's actually a removal of certain fats and fatty acids and a replacement of those with Omega three fatty acids .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

However , it does seem to be the case that many people are consuming far too many seed oils and in doing so , are consuming far too many calories and perhaps are consuming too much of the omega six fatty acids relative to the omega three fatty acids . Now , with that said , I think there is general agreement among nutritionists and health professionals that we could all stand to get more Omega three fatty acids perhaps for cardiovascular health . Although that's a little bit debated , but certainly for immune system function , for mood and for functioning of the brain and for the potent anti inflammatory effects of omega three .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Ok . So high three , low six . And as compared to diets that were just reduced , Omega sixes , they found a greater analgesic effect of increasing Omega threes while also reducing Omega six fatty acids .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And if they're eating far more , then they're going to get far more of likely going to get far more of both of those things than they would ordinarily if they were eating smaller amounts . So they controlled for total caloric intake in a way that I find uh particularly useful for looking at these kind of data . So the reason they explored omega threes is worth mentioning .