How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

But really it is the quantity of epa omega three fatty acids that seems to be the most impactful for the sorts of health metrics that we're gonna talk about in a few minutes . Now , with respect to Omega six fatty acids , the most typical food sources of Omega six fatty acids are seed oils . I know nowadays , seed oils have become quite controversial .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Three fatty acids are commonly distinguished from the so called omega six fatty acids . Omega six fatty acids come in a bunch of different foods and they of course , can be supplemented as well . Omega three fatty acids come in a bunch of different foods and can be supplemented as well .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And a lot of those oils that people are consuming more of nowadays include a lot of the so called omega six fatty acids and a lot of those oils are seed oils . The particular omega six fatty acid that's going to be relevant for today's discussion is linoleic acid and that is common in a lot of seed oils . So again , I'm not going to tell you that seed oils are bad .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

I , I highly recommend that episode if you're interested in nutrition , that people are consuming a lot more oil generally . And a lot of those oils that people are consuming more of nowadays include a lot of the so called omega six fatty acids and a lot of those oils are seed oils . The particular omega six fatty acid that's going to be relevant for today's discussion is linoleic acid and that is common in a lot of seed oils .

How Fish Oil & Omega-3s Can Help Reduce Headaches | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Omega three fatty acids come in a bunch of different foods and can be supplemented as well . Common forms of omega three fatty acids or I should say common sources of omega . Three fatty acids in foods include fatty ocean fish , including salmon , salmon skin , sardines , anchovies , things of that sort .