0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Sometimes the word happiness doesn't resonate with people as deeply as other words , but I'll call it happiness for now . Happiness seems to be something that we experience when we realize our desire or fulfill a dream or reach a goal , but it's not a feeling of a desire that eventuates in happiness . It's actually ultimately the forgetting of desire , the forgetting of the dream , dream or even a goal for a little short period of time that forgetting is blissful .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

And that consciousness is mostly emptiness . And that emptiness is what I would call happiness . And emptiness is what I might call f it's a fullness , it's a full emptiness , which is a strange thing to say .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Yes , yes . So the better feeling aspect of all experience , I would say for me at least is happiness itself , right ? So that one experience , this is where language becomes , you know , when we're talking about any of this stuff , particularly things that are ineffable .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

One where you don't have to wait into the future or wait until somebody or something else changes before you feel happy . Because happiness is right now and here and here that's right within us , all around us , within everyone . Your point though is very well received by me as someone who is one of the most successful people that I know and one of the least happy other people don't necessarily know that because they see this successful guy that looks happy and it's not like I don't have a great life .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

And then the additional piece there to your point is not only that success doesn't lead to happiness , but happiness does lead to success , right ? And I'd argue happiness is the greatest success . It's the reason you want success .