0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Like all of those things that are normally associated with success . Like we always talk about in our society , hard work will lead you to success and then success will lead you to happiness . Your take on it is very refreshing .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Yes , I choose that word intentionally because I like so many folks who struggle with happiness um was wired or felt wired for taking the most effort path possible to get what I wanted . This flawed premise that happiness only came through hard work . It's not entirely untrue , but I would say that it's not the deepest truth .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

In fact , I did an episode called 23 classes that should be in college and 23 is not even I had a list of 83 but you could keep going . But when I think about like the core things , how to have conversations with people and how to be happy . Like if I was taught those , if other people were taught those , imagine we have many more people with the technology of being effective in conversations while also be happy in the conversation , such that there's the principle of self empowerment that leads to the principle of everyone empowerment that we're using appreciative thought and language that we're positively focused , that we're all looking out for each other .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Um But that doesn't mean it's not an investment of energy , right ? So I'm just wanting to encourage folks to increasingly reach for or allow for the possibility that happiness is easier than easy , that it's something that you experience and enjoy , not because you achieve accomplish or acquire it , but because you simply accept and acknowledge it , right ? It's something that exists already and that we've made hard work out of happiness .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

It's something that exists already and that we've made hard work out of happiness . When the truth is , it's a lot harder work to remain unhappy because happiness is your true nature . It's your original face .