0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Number six , the principle of constructive response to adversity . Number seven , the principle of inspired action . And number eight , the principle of self empowerment in relationships , love it .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

That's right . The seventh principle is the principle of inspired action . So folks , I know I did often felt like , ok , this happiness thing feels like it's mostly about what I think and what I say , you know , and that's true .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Right . So again , it's about , you know , coming back to realizing that there's a smarter lazier approach to getting what you ultimately want and that includes taking action , but taking inspired action instead of desperate to needy greedy action . So instead of taking action from a place of unhappiness where you're hoping that whatever action you take is gonna make you happy .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Take the Laziest but smartest action humanly possible . And the key there is to find that peace and that happiness and that joy and that love , find the inspiration first so that you can take action out of either a place of desperation or , or from a place of inspiration , from a place of frustration or from a place of inspiration . And you'll find that if you take it from a place of desperation or frustration , things tend to get worse , you might accomplish and achieve and acquire a whole lot .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Um but it's not gonna , you know , fill you up inside , you're reaching for a positive feeling before you act within a framework of return on smart energy investment and a focus on not attaching yourself to it . But focusing on the positive , focusing it from appreciative thought and language and appreciating self putting yourself up there such that when you take that action , it's inspired action because there's so much freedom and power behind it , you know , it , you couldn't have said it more concise there beautifully . I mean , it's one of your sweet spots .