0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Number two , the principle of non attachment . Number three , the principle of positive focus . Number four , the principle of self appreciation .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

And there's something about it that you also do prefer or like or love . And so the invitation there is to focus on the positive end of the stick , the better feeling end of the stick , that part of that person plays finger activity that you feel better for when you're focusing on . So , for instance , and I think I may have used this example before , but plenty of times in my life , I've been broke .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

And I'm gonna ask for a subtle , subtle difference or subtle , distinguishing the third from fourth . So the third is principle of positive focus and the fourth is principle of self appreciation . And to me they're pretty connected .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Well , I love 34 and five , I should say I love all eight principles . But , but I love 34 and five as a group because principal positive focus tells me , OK , focus my attention on the positive . Then the principal self appreciation is , well , don't forget about you .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Um but it's not gonna , you know , fill you up inside , you're reaching for a positive feeling before you act within a framework of return on smart energy investment and a focus on not attaching yourself to it . But focusing on the positive , focusing it from appreciative thought and language and appreciating self putting yourself up there such that when you take that action , it's inspired action because there's so much freedom and power behind it , you know , it , you couldn't have said it more concise there beautifully . I mean , it's one of your sweet spots .