0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

Number seven , the principle of inspired action . And number eight , the principle of self empowerment in relationships , love it . So those are your eight principles .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

First of all , thank you . The eighth principle is the principle of self empowerment and relationships . And I , I can see how this kind of ties it all together and then gets you ready for your second book of Love from the Inside out .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

No , it also means platonic ones and professional ones and familial ones and all of that . And so the idea here is now , let's take all of these incredible tools some people might call them weapons and let's go into relationships with ourselves , first and foremost with our friends and our families and our romantic partners . Let's go into all of that with an eye and intention and commitment to applying them and applying them consistently and applying them consistently .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

But when I think about like the core things , how to have conversations with people and how to be happy . Like if I was taught those , if other people were taught those , imagine we have many more people with the technology of being effective in conversations while also be happy in the conversation , such that there's the principle of self empowerment that leads to the principle of everyone empowerment that we're using appreciative thought and language that we're positively focused , that we're all looking out for each other . In terms of , I wanna make sure that you're getting a good return , a smart return on your energy investment .

0:03 / 1:03:40 The Eight Principles of Happiness with Robert Mack

And you also tend to find that includes your relationships . So all of a sudden that weak relationships are weeded out and the strong relationships are strengthened and that's extraordinary clarifying , can be extraordinary validating at moments . It can be also alienating , confusing and you can feel lonely as well .