So like , you'd rather like put that effort in now and like , put that work in now because it's like , it's your chance to do it . Yeah , I think balancing school and soccer is very difficult , I think for any sport . Um It's obviously a completely different expectation when you get to college .
I think , um , a common theme I've seen from a lot of the coaches I've had is that the one thing you can control is your effort . And so going into everything , just making sure that you can control what you can . And the easiest thing for you to do is just put in effort .
Some of the most important things that I focused on in high school were just the technical abilities . Um , that's just spending more time on the ball and like doing the little things . Right .
Um And you think that like you're trying to sell yourself to them , but you also have to realize that you're kind , it's like what you're looking for , like they're trying to get you to . So it's kind of a two way process . So just knowing what you're looking for and trying to find a coach or a school or a team that kind of can match that for you , something that I immediately picked on when I first picked up on when I first started playing in college was just the change of intensity .
Um , just kind of like your resilience and how you hold yourself when things get hard . Um , a lot of that , I think they take into consideration and it also has to do with attitude and like just your mindset . Um , so I think that is something that coaches look at a lot in players that we don't really think about when we're playing games .