And so going into everything , just making sure that you can control what you can . And the easiest thing for you to do is just put in effort . Some of the most important things that I focused on in high school were just the technical abilities .
Um and like , we complain about it all the time , but it's like these are like the four or five years that we're going to look back on and we're gonna love . So like , you'd rather like put that effort in now and like , put that work in now because it's like , it's your chance to do it . Yeah , I think balancing school and soccer is very difficult , I think for any sport .
I go to the University of Wisconsin Madison and I play on the soccer team here . I think , um , a common theme I've seen from a lot of the coaches I've had is that the one thing you can control is your effort . And so going into everything , just making sure that you can control what you can .
Um And that also translates to off the field when you're just talking to them . Um I think it's important to put in effort , um , as well as just like knowing , I think you have to know what you're looking for when you're talking to coaches . I know it's , it's intimidating .
Um But you kind of learn to love that because it's everyone on that team is doing what they love to and it's good to be in an environment where all kind of share that passion . Um But I think one of the things that I've kind of learned throughout college is just like putting in the extra work . Um and like , we complain about it all the time , but it's like these are like the four or five years that we're going to look back on and we're gonna love .