Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

So we get into things about the difference between happiness and peace and success . We get into the difference between internal and external um sources of happiness and why we really need both , but maybe sometimes the balance is off . Um And we talk about reframing our challenges and adversities and tragedies as something that can make you stronger , not something that broke you and that you now need to be fixed .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

But really all those things are for happiness . And so if you really care about happiness , you need to really be intentional about going directly to the source for it , of trying to rat it through so many different things and people . And um so not a whole heck of a lot helpful in terms of the science around the hard wiring , but you know , it it is , it is interesting .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

You can't get what you're wanting to get out of the stuff out of the likes out of the popularity , out of more money , you just can't , it doesn't work that way . So you have to kind of do a about face and realize and recognize that if you really want to be happy , it truly is on the inside and then that's where the real work starts . OK ?

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

How much of do you think ? And again , this is probably like a very much it depends , but maybe not how much of people's happiness or peace do you think is in trying to eliminate stressor or bad things versus trying to add good things or happiness or even just your perspective on what those are ? Because it seems like there , there's like two camps , there's people who are like , I've got this weighing me down , I've got this bad relationship .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

So that's number one , number two is , you know , once you've educated yourself , the all the other tips and tricks will essentially follow most of the science is the same thing to that end . So one of the easiest things you can begin doing today , even without knowing a whole lot about the science of happiness is just making a list of your happiness signs , those are things people , places that with very little time , energy or effort allow you to feel uplifted , inspired , happy to be alive , make a list of those things and then do what you can to spend more time with those people in those places , doing those things , period , right ? So that's like really , really critical and especially commit to doing those things when you're not feeling so great about your day .