So it's , this is subjective like this is all about how you feel about your life and yourself . Um And there's a lot of power in that and I think that's important . So anyway , ok , I'm gonna , I'm rambling all over the place , but I'm excited about this one .
You can't touch the past at all . The only power you have is to do what you can to enjoy the present . And that if you do that by doing that , you increase your odds of success and everything and anything , but you've gotta mean it when you say it , when you say I want to be happy here and now or I want to enjoy the moment , it's even better .
But instead of letting that kind of be discouraging to you , look at it like it's an adventure and there's always things to learn and ways to evolve and get better . And that switching perspective I think can just immediately make somebody happier because I've seen so many people who are very empowered and intelligent and understand their body so well , but they don't give themselves credit for how hard they've worked for , how much they know and they keep seeking again . Maybe somebody like me , like a coach to tell them what to do when I kind of say like , look you , you know more about yourself than I do .
And this is again , something that I'm speaking to with my own family that I have noticed very well that we do real good in my family . All the psychologists is we can use this ability to understand how our brains work to build up walls even higher . And I , I , I believe this about myself and I understand this about myself .
Um And we talk about reframing our challenges and adversities and tragedies as something that can make you stronger , not something that broke you and that you now need to be fixed . Um Because as we know , literally everything in life is all about your perception of it . It really is like I don't want to get all like Matrix woo woo with you right about whether we're in a simulation and all this is real or not .