Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

We get into the difference between internal and external um sources of happiness and why we really need both , but maybe sometimes the balance is off . Um And we talk about reframing our challenges and adversities and tragedies as something that can make you stronger , not something that broke you and that you now need to be fixed . Um Because as we know , literally everything in life is all about your perception of it .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

So yes , um no question about it . Adverse and challenges and um even tragedy can be very helpful in your life . And I actually remember just listening to a , another podcast with a , like a sports psychologist that was really interesting and it was along similar lines to this saying that , um , you know , you , you do need challenge and some failure to succeed generally .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

We all need adversity . Adversity is very helpful . It helps us grow .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

And that being said , where there unpredictability and uncertainty , there's also an incredible opportunity , right ? And so part of the challenge and opportunity now is to learn to think and speak and work and play in increasingly supportive and constructive ways . And science has a lot to say about that .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

And so yes , you nailed it . We all need adversity . Adversity is very helpful .