Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

So whether it's 18 or 35 you know , so , you know , in all ways , really , um you know , success doesn't lead to happiness . That being said , happiness does lead to success . So we've got lots of evidence that's shown that the happier are you are to a certain extent , the healthier you are right ?

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

Right ? And so really , in all ways happiness is the greatest success , but it also leads to success . Ok , I'm just gonna take a minute to absorb that a lot , a lot to digest there .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

So thousands and thousands of studies that have found what does and does not lead to happiness and what does and does not lead to success as well . And so there's this intersection between success and happiness and that's really where my work uh sort of bears fruit . Uh I grew up really unhappy .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

You're dealing with people who buy all accounts to . Most of us seem like incredibly successful people who have everything going for them and obviously are still seeking out your services . So what's the deal ?

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

Um But it's , it's really cool because again , he's done the work , he's done the research um to understand why we have so many struggles um with finding happiness , with finding um our joy , no matter where we are in life , no matter what struggles we have or lack of struggles we have even . So we get into things about the difference between happiness and peace and success . We get into the difference between internal and external um sources of happiness and why we really need both , but maybe sometimes the balance is off .