Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

Thank you for being here . I am your host , Ashley Van Houten . And I think I'm extra grateful today to bring this episode to you .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

Um You know where to find me Instagram at the Selma . My email is in the show notes website is Ashley Van Houten dot com that's in the show notes . Um But you can find the book on Amazon .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

We need like a certain amount of , yeah , like a little kind of challenge , something to like get us fired up , right ? Uh Ashley just so beautifully said . Um you know , I was listening to um Jonathan Ha .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

Because just because someone looks good on paper or may have worked really successfully with a friend of yours doesn't mean that they're gonna work with you because it's a relationship , right ? And it has to Rice Ashley , you just nailed it . I mean , my gosh , this is why I love conversations with you like it's amazing and , and it's amazing how many people , and I never suspected this , how , you know , how many folks will come to me after having seen traditional therapist because they said they felt judged , you know , or they felt like a lack of peace or they felt less peace , they felt less love and that's not the intention , I think of any , uh , great therapist , any great professional .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

Absolutely . Ashley , by the way , thank you so much . I mean , you are such a gift and I mean , that , I mean , you're beautiful inside and out , you are absolutely brilliant .