Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

But on to today's episode and why I'm so grateful for it . My guest today , his name is Robert Mack . He is an Ivy League educated positive psychology expert and happiness coach and an author .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

Um And that's it . No more rambling for me here is my awesome chat with Rob Mac . All right , Rob , welcome to the podcast .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

I really mean that I live for these conversations . Um So for those folks who want to find me , you can find me at uh Coach Rob Mack M AC K dot com . It's my website .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

You can find my book everywhere . Great books are sold including Amazon and Barnes and Noble and you can find me on most social media platforms at Rob Mac M AC K official . I'm usually and mostly on Instagram .

Rob Mack | The art and science of happiness | Muscle Maven Radio 14

One . You mentioned this and I think this is a common experience for a lot of people who say that some of the happiest people they know in their lives are the people who have been through the most and have had maybe the most tragedy or like , just things happen in their life that are , you know , incredible . Um Is there some sort of science to this , that the way human brains work that we almost have to in a lot of time in a lot of circumstances , like , hit a rock bottom for us to bounce back and understand , you know , like , so people say , like to get healthy , like I had to hit this rock bottom before I made a change .