LA Unscripted | August 7th, 2023

In fact , it's a business that brings in lots of dough . I think bread is trendy again and we've been lucky to sort of be here doing what we're doing at this time . Oh my God , I'm actually shaking .

LA Unscripted | August 7th, 2023

Oh , I'm so good . I would like for people to be able to access the kind of bread that they can on a daily basis in Europe . The best place to find our bread is at farmers markets on the weekends at other locations you can find on our website at bread A dot com .

LA Unscripted | August 7th, 2023

No , just kidding . But look at this bread . You guys are still warm from the oven .

LA Unscripted | August 7th, 2023

It's your guide to all things local . The L A unscripted way and tonight we're baking up a brand new special all about bread . Oh , if you could smell this not too long ago , if you utter the word bread in .

LA Unscripted | August 7th, 2023

Giggle . Welcome to bread . So people may have been eating your bread all the time and not even knowing it because you're in lots of restaurants .