Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

But what you just said wasn't that was my precise problem is that I was feeling things very deeply and I was analyzing it a lot . But in that analysis turned from reflection , which was could be helpful in introspection , which is into rumination where you would just repeat the same old negative redundant thoughts over and over and over again without really taking a solution oriented approach or even knowing what direction in order to face , to take a solution oriented approach . So you nailed it and then people , I feel like get so deep in their thoughts that and it's like such a dark rabbit hole .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

You know , they don't just talk about it , they don't just think about it , they live it . And I think after like people are missing that heart and brain coherence is where too many people are in their head and constantly overanalyzing versus really digging deeper into what they're feeling , why they're feeling it , how to heal it , how to move forward so that they truly feel good and live an amazing life truth right there . Truth right there , Shay .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

And also recognizing when you're having a mood , there's just some invisible thoughts there and you don't need to heal all those thoughts . But you can simply remember that you don't need to think all the time obsessively compulsively at all . You can simply rest and breathe and enjoy the moment if it's swiffer or doing the laundry or taking a nap or whatever .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

I mean , it comes from such an authentic place with you . Um The questions are so profound like that was precisely the challenge that I had was that um I had dipped my toes into the water so to speak in trying to have these conversations with people about what I was feeling and thinking , you know , because I was really experiencing like this existential angst like this idea of like , what's the purpose and meaning of my existence of any of our existences ? Yeah .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

This idea that needing nothing attracts everything and that it's not about giving up on your goals or your dreams . It's just giving up the struggle and the resistance around your goals and dreams . Like I remember the first TV show I booked before .