Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

I remember like at some point chasing TV stuff and um you know , I was getting away from this focus on happiness that I should have remembered . And now I do remember is the ultimate purpose and meaning and point of our lives . But I was getting away from that .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

But most of us run away from that edition . We try to fill it up with stuff or with people or with other things and we never spend enough time there to recognize and realize that it's the very source of everything else we want in our lives . Yes .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

You have to be genuinely tapped into and then turned on for joy itself , peace itself , love itself . And you have to recognize and realize that the reason you want to achieve a choir accomplish anything else in your life is for the feeling , it's for the happiness , it's for the peace and the love and the joy . If you can focus on first manifesting and demonstrating that happiness inside of you , despite and regardless what's not showing up in your life externally , you'll be again impressed by the ways in which things show up out of thin air or people show up out of thin air and opportunities develop .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

I mean , it comes from such an authentic place with you . Um The questions are so profound like that was precisely the challenge that I had was that um I had dipped my toes into the water so to speak in trying to have these conversations with people about what I was feeling and thinking , you know , because I was really experiencing like this existential angst like this idea of like , what's the purpose and meaning of my existence of any of our existences ? Yeah .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

And it's not about the past at all . It's simply about noticing what it is that you're feeling in the moment only in the moment and then not telling a story about how it is or isn't gonna last in the future and creating all this meaning out of something . It's just right now my head hurts .