Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

And when you're in such a dark place , sometimes I feel like , and I'm , I'm sure you can agree with where you were at . You just don't know who to go to , what to do , how to get help and what are some tools that you would say are for people to just help themselves , first of all , and then eventually , once they break through that to find more options , you man , it's such , this is why I love conversations with you . I mean , it comes from such an authentic place with you .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

But a lot of people didn't , you know , hadn't thought about these things in that way . So a couple of tips and tricks that I learned along the way is one , there are people out there in the world who have solved the very problem you're most struggling with whatever it is . So , for me it was depression and unhappiness .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

A lot of my best friends and most helpful coaches and therapists over the years have been , you know , dead authors , right ? And so leaning into that , first and foremost , there are , there's infinite , seemingly infinite resources available to you online . And if you're serious about this , I promise you , the more you seek , the more things will show up for you in divine timing at just the moment when you need it .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

Uh I just want dance moves like yours though . I can move like you , we can trade , we can trade , you can help me with the happiness , life coach stuff and I'll help you with the moves . That's a plan .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

But what you just said wasn't that was my precise problem is that I was feeling things very deeply and I was analyzing it a lot . But in that analysis turned from reflection , which was could be helpful in introspection , which is into rumination where you would just repeat the same old negative redundant thoughts over and over and over again without really taking a solution oriented approach or even knowing what direction in order to face , to take a solution oriented approach . So you nailed it and then people , I feel like get so deep in their thoughts that and it's like such a dark rabbit hole .