Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

You know , they don't just talk about it , they don't just think about it , they live it . And I think after like people are missing that heart and brain coherence is where too many people are in their head and constantly overanalyzing versus really digging deeper into what they're feeling , why they're feeling it , how to heal it , how to move forward so that they truly feel good and live an amazing life truth right there . Truth right there , Shay .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

The brain is built that way . So the brain is really designed to keep you alive . It's not necessarily designed to make you happy .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

Um and , and sit with them and acknowledge them . But I think it's so key to kind of mind over matter , know that you , you can be healthy . You are healthy , go for walks , I'll connect , I'll ground myself .

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

That being said , I would , you know , go beyond that . We're more than a brain . Ok ?

Episode 4 New Age Podcast Quantum Magic TV - Rob Mack Celebrity Happiness/Psychologist Coach/Author

We know that it takes about five positive experiences to compensate for the one equivalent negative experience , right ? The brain is built that way . So the brain is really designed to keep you alive .