The Key To Happiness #shorts #happiness #happinesstips

Absolutely . And we talk about unhappiness is unattractive . Well , and part of that is because we're gonna start attracting the wrong people that compound .

The Key To Happiness #shorts #happiness #happinesstips

So success in all your relationships and what they found was happy people get married earlier , they stay married longer and they're happy in their relationships with , they're married or not . Also happy , people are rated as more attractive than unhappy people . So if you remember those two things , it helps you to remember and realize that if you could just find a way to get happy , which is often really about learning to love yourself in spite of not having a partner , a boyfriend or girlfriend or whoever , if you can do that very thing , you increase your attractiveness to whoever it is that you want to attract .

The Key To Happiness #shorts #happiness #happinesstips

Also happy , people are rated as more attractive than unhappy people . So if you remember those two things , it helps you to remember and realize that if you could just find a way to get happy , which is often really about learning to love yourself in spite of not having a partner , a boyfriend or girlfriend or whoever , if you can do that very thing , you increase your attractiveness to whoever it is that you want to attract . And you also increase the likelihood of finding success in your relationships and in , in that way like attracting like , right , that's exactly the brighter our happiness light is , the more happy people will be welcomed into our life .

The Key To Happiness #shorts #happiness #happinesstips

What do you think is a better mindset to have when it comes to relationships and the happiness we're looking for . So the one thing that we've discovered through lots of science and research is that happiness leads to all these other forms of success , including relational , relational success .

The Key To Happiness #shorts #happiness #happinesstips

So if you remember those two things , it helps you to remember and realize that if you could just find a way to get happy , which is often really about learning to love yourself in spite of not having a partner , a boyfriend or girlfriend or whoever , if you can do that very thing , you increase your attractiveness to whoever it is that you want to attract . And you also increase the likelihood of finding success in your relationships and in , in that way like attracting like , right , that's exactly the brighter our happiness light is , the more happy people will be welcomed into our life . Absolutely .