GDL David White

So I haven't done a movie , directed a movie in quite a while because it's not really my passion . So it's like finding your thing that you want , you know , and then getting other people to help you along the way for whatever else , mostly acting and producing for you is that creating acting , producing and then , you know , we , we created pure flicks , me and two other guys . Uh In 2005 , we started a production and distribution company in the Faith and Family genre .

GDL David White

Um , but I also have a good way , I think of recognizing people's strengths and then putting them , you know , in those uh areas . And so , um I'm a big believer of , of giving people their dreams and , and whatever they , you know , they have a dream of because I think that , that they're probably gifted a lot of times at that thing and , you know , in movies is , is , you know , I mean , I've produced , I think 80 move 80 something movies of that we're gonna , we're gonna test you on , but it's finding that thing , you know , that people are good at . So , yeah .

GDL David White

And so I loved every part of it . I've always wanted to be a producer . I kind of did it a little bit , you know , growing up in high school , kind of , you know , fixing plays because we never had a drama department either .

GDL David White

Yeah . And I just , uh , uh , remember seeing Olivia Newton , John and those black type and , and thinking to myself , wow , I for sure I am going to hell a um , so , uh uh , but uh , you know , but I always had this dream inside of me to go into the entertainment industry . I didn't know exactly why .

GDL David White

Uh , that's just like a trailer you've done , you've done quite a lot . Um It's really impressive and I mean , clearly you followed your intuition to like come out to Los Angeles and follow that dream and that passion , which is really cool . Uh We want to ask you some questions .