GDL David White

Like I need to go to L A to act . I did , I , I grew up as a Mennonite and uh , the joke is , is if you don't know anything about the Mennonites , the Mennonites make the Mormons look like a pack of hells angels because the Mennonites are super conservative . So I saw one movie in the theater the 1st 18 years of my life .

GDL David White

I tried to follow the , the path that my family had , had done . They had all gone to this Bible school , Moody Bible Institute in Chicago and they'd all graduated and met their significant others there . And then , um you know , after a year I , I basically called my dad to say dad , I want to leave Bible school and I'm going to go to Hollywood to be an actor .

GDL David White

So it's like finding your thing that you want , you know , and then getting other people to help you along the way for whatever else , mostly acting and producing for you is that creating acting , producing and then , you know , we , we created pure flicks , me and two other guys . Uh In 2005 , we started a production and distribution company in the Faith and Family genre . Um And , you know , we did , we released a lot of movies .

GDL David White

I actually don't know it . The marriage retreat . Oh , yeah .

GDL David White

I just wish I had someone to share . Came to Malton to get start . What ?