Learn How to Choose HAPPINESS Again and Again!!!

Stay out of there , stay out of that forecasting , you know , how things are going to be or what things are gonna look like or the new normal or any of these ideas there . You know , happiness is to be found here and now your life is to be lived here and now and you want to do everything humanly possible to enjoy here . And now the less time you can spend focused on forecasting , trying to predict what's ahead , the more time you can spend in the present moment .

Learn How to Choose HAPPINESS Again and Again!!!

The only thing we have is the now and the now is always slipping between our fingers , you know , always vanishing and then over and so we want to do everything we humanly , possibly human , you know , possibly can to just enjoy the now . And you'd be surprised , the more you en enjoy , enjoy the present moment , the more you take care of the present moment you'll find that the future takes care of itself . That is beautiful .

Learn How to Choose HAPPINESS Again and Again!!!

And now the less time you can spend focused on forecasting , trying to predict what's ahead , the more time you can spend in the present moment . And stay out of your head while you're in the present moment , the happier you'll be , you'll be surprised because we work so hard and so long to be happy . But happiness is actually our very nature .

Learn How to Choose HAPPINESS Again and Again!!!

Will it come back ? And if you can just ground yourself and rain your mind into the moment , you can find happiness now because the future and the past are fiction , we have absolutely no power over them anyway . So why not just ground ourselves in the present ?

Learn How to Choose HAPPINESS Again and Again!!!

And I think that's the difference . Are you seeking happiness through it or are you allowing it to be an expression of the happiness that you already feel inside ? Yes .