Learn How to Choose HAPPINESS Again and Again!!!

Yeah . Well , the greatest takeaway is that success doesn't lead to happiness , but happiness does lead to success . And so happiness is not only the greatest success , meaning it's the reason that we want to accomplish , achieve or acquire anything and everything in the world , but it's also it also leads to success , right .

Learn How to Choose HAPPINESS Again and Again!!!

What happened is what happened if you just simply drop telling the story at all and you focus on something else that was at least neutral , if not positive , you would find in 66 days with consistent effort , your brain would make it almost automatic or at least much more effortless in terms of telling that story , more positive story or at least distracting you from the negative story over and over again , it almost becomes a habit , right ? So that's the most important thing is choosing sort of happiness above all else above everybody and everything else . Second , using some form of pattern interrupt or positive reframing .

Learn How to Choose HAPPINESS Again and Again!!!

You should patent that . Um Yeah , I think , you know , a lot of us really do outsource our happiness to the world , to other people , to other things , to other places , events , experiences , and most of us eventually , if you live long enough , you begin to see through the illusion and the promise that the world and other people and other things unintentionally , um unwittingly make right to make this promise that they can make you happy . But if you live long enough , you see through that and you realize that the world can do nothing but break that promise over and over again .

Learn How to Choose HAPPINESS Again and Again!!!

So , yes , we live in a society in a world where fear and guilt and shame and these things are used to influence people and control people in ways that are self serving . Um And so yeah , if you're looking for happiness or peace or love in the world or other people , it will be very short lived . But you and I are two of the happiest people I know and we love to shop .

Learn How to Choose HAPPINESS Again and Again!!!

Second , using some form of pattern interrupt or positive reframing . Um you know , the other opportunity is this is that , you know , at the deepest level , happiness isn't really about thinking all the time . In fact , thinking can be pretty anxiety provoking even when you're telling yourself a better feeling story that's based in truth , even when you're focusing on positive thoughts and positive activities and positive experiences .