Testosterone & Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

I love to talk a little bit about hormone replacement therapy in men . Um When one looks on social media and the internet , there seems to be a younger and younger cohort of guys and people in their teens and twenties showing up to the table thinking uh that injecting testosterone cate or taking Anno VR or whatever it is is going to be the right idea .

Testosterone & Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So I do wanna acknowledge that . But with that in mind , how do you think about and perhaps occasionally prescribe uh and direct your patients in terms of hormone replacement therapy in men person , in their thirties , person , in their forties , who's doing almost all the other things correctly . Uh What sorts of levels do you think are meaningful ?

Testosterone & Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

But then you get into a little bit of the vicious cycle of will having a normalized testosterone facilitate you doing those things better . So , uh let's just assume we come to the decision that this , this , this person is uh a good candidate for , for testosterone replacement therapy . The next question is , what's the method we're going to do it ?

Testosterone & Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

So , Chloe is a fertility drug . It's a synthetic hormone . It's actually two drugs M Chloe and I forget the other one and it tells the pituitary , uh , to secrete FSH and LH .

Testosterone & Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT) | Dr. Peter Attia & Dr. Andrew Huberman

And I think uh just one point out again , correct me if I'm wrong . But my understanding is that a lot of the drugs that we're talking about um the synthetic compounds , testosterone , estrogen things uh related to growth hormone , et cetera were discovered and designed in order to treat and excuse me , in order to isolate and treat exactly these kinds of syndromes . Whether or not it was the hypothalamus , the pituitary or the target tissue , the o the ovaries or the , or the testes .