How Does Blue Light & Other Light Affect Your Sleep? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

And ideally the lights that you do use , you would place low in that physical environment . So you would try and not use overhead lights , but rather rely on desk lamps or lights even place low to the floor , even on the floor . If you are going to use light at night .

How Does Blue Light & Other Light Affect Your Sleep? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

In order to carry out the routines and activities you need to carry out safely . I should mention that the reason overhead lights are problematic is the same reason why sunlight is so great early in the day , which is that the cells that is the neurons that can wake up your brain and body through activation of the circadian clock reside mainly in the bottom half or two thirds of your neural retina . And the way the optics of your eyes work is that the cells on the bottom half of your eye view the upper visual field .

How Does Blue Light & Other Light Affect Your Sleep? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

Dimming , artificial lights is fine provided they're dimmed way , way down and again , try and avoid using overhead artificial lights . The absolute worst lights are going to be overhead fluorescent lights of the sort that you would have in the supermarket or uh that you would see at a gas station or something of that sort . And I confess there are times in which I'm , you know , driving home and it's late at night and I wanna be able to get to sleep and I'll need to stop at the grocery store or a gas station or something like that .

How Does Blue Light & Other Light Affect Your Sleep? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So candlelight is fine , of course , be cautious with open flame , but candlelight is fine , moonlight is fine . Dimming , artificial lights is fine provided they're dimmed way , way down and again , try and avoid using overhead artificial lights . The absolute worst lights are going to be overhead fluorescent lights of the sort that you would have in the supermarket or uh that you would see at a gas station or something of that sort .

How Does Blue Light & Other Light Affect Your Sleep? | Dr. Andrew Huberman

So you would try and not use overhead lights , but rather rely on desk lamps or lights even place low to the floor , even on the floor . If you are going to use light at night . And most people do , I would encourage you to use as little artificial light as is required to carry out the activities you need to require safely .