Um So look forward to that . You can find happiness from the inside out everywhere . Great books are sold including Fun and Barnes and Noble um book online and online these days .
And so those are um ideas that while understandable are not constructive and no , they're not . Probably find a lot more happiness and peace and love if you can learn to let go of those ideas . Exactly .
You don't need to think anything at all . You know , truly , at the end of the day is less even about thinking than it is letting go of thinking and just experiencing that peaceful aliveness . You already are .
There is no door , it's always been open to you and everything's always been available to you . And I think part of presence and practicing whether it's unconditional love or unconditional happiness is just entering into that experience where you realize and recognize that whatever it is you're searching for is , has always been available to you . Absolutely .
So start there , you know , you want to be happy . You know , it feels better to be happy than unhappy , better to be peaceful and not peaceful , better to feel loved than not love . So you start there and then I'd say the second thing is focusing on the things that you are clear about that .