And then I discovered a program at the University of Pennsylvania . It's a master's in Applied Positive Psychology , which is essentially the um Ivy League study in Science of what makes life worth living ways in which happiness and success are related . So , you know , most of them are pretty clear , hopefully , at this point in our lives that success doesn't lead to happiness , but happiness lead to success .
And it's that thing in a way . Um , Robert Holden who is like one of the first positive psychologists , he's based in the UK and he would talk a lot about the happiness contract that we have in our heads or the contract or the love contract , which basically is just nothing more than inherited beliefs and stories about what you need to do in order to deserve or earn happiness or success or love . And for the most part , the contract doesn't need fixed or tweaked or edited it , it needs thrown away .
Good to be here . Yay Rob is an Ivy league educated , positive psychology expert , celebrity happiness coach , author , and executive coach . His first book , that's the first book is Happiness from the Inside out the art of science and fulfillment .
This is happily holistic where we dive deeply into everything , health and wellness with a big dash of spirituality and a Sprinkle of business . We spotlight the uplifting and the positive and share the secret ways . Top wellness , authors and celebrities get inspired , stay healthy and enjoy this beautiful life .
It's not like height , it's not like eye color , that's a relatively static feature or quality . It's something that you can change by doing things surrounding yourself with people , um thinking new thoughts , but essentially happiness producing or happiness generate or happiness allowing activities in people in places . The more you can sort of get clear about that and be intentional about that , you can actually turn on and turn off certain genetic codes and you can also rewire your brain and this is the entire sort of body of research around neuroplasticity .